me again!!!!!!
i haven't forgotten about this website. i'd like to post on it more frequently, like a couple times a week maybe
but i realize my inadequacy at computers and codes and websites leaves me with a site thats format is not exactly up to snuff for it.
for this reason i've been holding off on posting until i felt like i had something important enough to say! but i realize now that
that probably isnt happening any time soon, so ill just post whatever whenever
i've been feeling disconnected from reality lately
it's not so hard when you only interact with one person a day for months
But i was feeling particularly miserable today. I hadn't eaten anything all day and was rotting away in bed but forced myself
to get up and walk around town. i spent more money than i should have on some new clothes and then stumbled into a local pizzeria for some takeout
as i walked home it began to rain like crazy. i tried to race home but being so exhausted and still on an empty stomach, it was a labored trek
uphill across campus back to my dorm as the rain pelted me and soaked my pizza.
it was fun.
there's a very elegant, tall church a bit away from the pizzeria. it's painted completely white and stands out harshly against the rest of the bland college town buildings.
my plan was to enjoy lunch around there and take some pictures of it, but i figured it be best to get home before the rain got worse. maybe next time.
that's pretty much it. in other news i've been finishing 'breaking bad' and taking a peek at 'sally face' and 'serial experiments lain'.
im going to see my cat in two weeks!!!!!
more drawings by me
live crawfish someone left at the front desk i work at.